I will be looking for your assessment of the TDP under this new leader. I haven't wanted to donate to the party HQ before, but maybe this will change my attitude.

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I'm very optimistic. Chair Hinojosa could still be a roadblock, but that remains to be seen. I'll be watching the party closely in the coming months. They have until December to make sure there's a Democrat in every election and no Republicans are running unopposed. That would be amazing if they could pull it off.

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this is where having a functional party works. here is a story of no interest to 99% of Texans and yet some one with grit and gumption and networking managed to get the FWST to carry this PR blurb, as a news story no less. +

so FWST depends on Tex GOP to hand feed them stories while we, TCDP, engage with nobody....


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