if i didn't post already Hood County Chair Adriene Martin was featured on Spectrum News about her Tik-Tok campaign to inform her constituents that in Texas u CANNOT REGISTER TO VOTE ONLINE...alot of new Texans may think that Texas is a modern democratic state and make this mistake...in fact the website is somewhat misleading.

i queried TCDP and its Chair Crystal Gayden what if anything TCDP is doing about voter intimidation and polling place security.....

i will let u know if i ever get a reply.

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one good result...for the 2nd time in her administration the Tarrant County Democratic Chair sent a email about Kamala.....The other email being Shielda Jackson Lee's death.

Our Chair,Crystal Gayden , an attorney, is black.

Opal Lee features prominently on the website even as the Opal Lee walk was in Dallas.

Never once has she sent any regards about Biden or any Hispanic or white Dems.

Look lady, you represent every Tarrant citizen, not just Tarrant Blacks.

I think she is missing that point and that would explain so much.

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