Oct 6, 2023Liked by Michelle H. Davis

my superficial reading is its a total constitutional violation.....and even if SCOTUS is political and not constitutional and goes along i think the vaorius releigions fighting over the spoils would be epic

could maybe develop an app....figuring out what perecentage of you propery tax is going to what religion and withhold....make em come after me..........religious nuts alreaday don't pay taxes and now they want to take my money to fund thier very corrupt institutions................

this one has real resonance as soon as everyone figure how Tex R's are trying to upsurp thier constitutional rights.........

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Michelle H. Davis

Remember GG........SCOTUS is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Vatican, so i can see 'Chug-a-lug" Brett and Fan Girl Amy ruling on this obvious seperation of chruck and state issue.......by well choosing Catholicism over Fundamentalism...here is the er...reasoning....."We adhere to the inviable notion that the State should not chose one religion over another and this Texas School Voucher does just that....but we are wholly in thrall to the Jesuits and some other fringe Catholic Cults so we rule that Catholic can indeed get Texan's property taxes dollars but others including Protestant, LDS, "Christians' of all hues and of course the Muslims and Jews cannot." Majority opinion likely to be written by who else but "Spare change" Thomas probably something along the lines of 'tuff shit paisonaos" as he heads out to an extended stay at a resort on the Amalfi Coast.

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Ugghh. I really hope the vouchers fail. Normally, I would think they would not, but with so much drama happening in Austin right now, there's no telling.

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